CBDX, a division of the Central Business District Association (CBDA) of Virginia Beach, is a group of business professionals, under the age of 40, charged with furthering the mission of the CBDA. CBDX is committed to encouraging involvement of the next generation of business leaders in support of local businesses and organizations, as well as creating future development initiatives targeting young professionals.
- Employer must be a member of the CBDA (please visit for a complete listing of members)
- Applicant must be under the age of 40 years
- Must have at least (i) 1 year of experience with current employer or (ii) 2 years of experience in current profession
- The CBDX has a yearly membership fee of $150 per person to support the group’s activities and expenses. $25 of this fee is applied toward the X Scholarship.
- The CBDX holds monthly meetings at 5:00 p.m. in the Virginia Beach Town Center. Members must use their best efforts to attend each meeting. The post-meeting happy hours are not mandatory, but you’ll want to attend!
- Attendance of CBDX sponsored events (fundraisers, etc.) as well as some CBDA meetings and events
- Members are encouraged to serve on a committee (e.g., fundraising, social activities, membership)
- Must be willing to contribute ideas, professional skills and time to help further the mission of the CBDX
- Must have a sense of humor