The CBDX is more than just a networking group. We are the Central Business District Association’s next generation of business leaders. Being an active member of the CBDX gives you access to a wide variety of resources, which you can explore below.
CBDX provides opportunities to participate in the CBDA through events, committee involvement and advocating for issues that are important to the growth and development of the business community within the Pembroke Strategic Growth Area.
You'll have access to high-level business and community leaders to educate yourself about issues important to the business community.
A membership with CBDX means you'll be involved in development, leadership and social networking opportunities among our region’s top young professionals.
CBDX offers an opportunity to make a difference in our community through philanthropic initiatives including the X Scholarship, our annual Casino Night fundraiser and other activities.
Your membership brings you a network of life-long friends who will support you in all things personal and professional.
Join the Next Generation.
The CBDX is the best way that you can expand your professional and social connections while making a real difference in the community at the same time. Need more reasons to join? Talk to any of our experienced members about what makes CBDX their professional network of choice. Each has a unique story about the network and the benefits it has brought them in their professional and personal lives. Of course, you're also welcome to join us at any of our upcoming events to get a taste of what the CBDX is all about. Just check our events page for upcoming events and meetings. Ready to take the next step? Click the button below to get started.